Salam, good day. Aidilfitri is only few days away. I'm sure everybody is shifting to fifth gear now in terms of their preparation. However as muslims we should know and keep in mind that the last ten days/nights of Ramadhan which is also regarded as the highlight of Ramadhan should not be overlook. Never let them goes by without practising the commonly done with in the time such as tahajjud, qiamulail, iktikaf etc. This is the opportunity we should take to gain more reward from Allah the almighty. Also one of the most commonly practise during Ramadhan is sedekah (donation). Yesterday the Radio Section of RTB has conducted a Jalinan Kasih, an outreach programme to help the poor, unfortunate and underprivileged people namely warga emas (senior citizen), anak yatim (orphan) and mualaf (converts). Other than RTB staff itself, this programme is also aimed to encourage the public to give a helping hand to the needy. Ramadhan al-Karim:)
Act.Director of RTB handed the donations to an orphan
One of the senior citizen at Kg.Tanah JambuDare to see this before you? Some of us was in tears.
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