Saturday, August 22, 2009

1st Ramadhan 1430.

Salam, good day. Alhamdulilah, this year we have been given the opportunity once again, to embrace the month of Ramadhan al-Karim, thank you Allah. The 1st of Ramadhan which falls today bring happiness to all the muslims worldwide. My first day of fasting and breaking fast was simply great *of course*. Ramadhan teaches us to be self discipline in variuos aspect such as daily diet, spending and attitude. Since there is not much activities, I look forward to spend the whole month with my beloved family and may Allah bless us with more rewards more than as much we can normally achieve. To all my dear friends and colleagues, also bruneidaily visitors wishing you a wonderful, meaningful and successful Ramadhan. Ramadhan Al-Karim:)

Every mosques is a place to go during Ramadhan

Tarawih & Witir at Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque was led by Ustaz Helmi Salim

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Semester Break!

Assalamualaikum, good day everyone! Of late I've been busy juggling between work and study whilst also supervising them kids e-learning ...