Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Ready to go.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Be a good followers.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Move on.
The sermon said that the secrets behind the hijrah should be made as a lesson in Muslims' daily lives, as they were among the most important and useful lessons left by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
"Although the hijrah of the prophet will not take place again in this day and age, its message continues on," said the sermon.
The sermon also reminded Muslims that the hijrah was not merely the physical act of moving from one place or country to another, but it could also means a shift of attitude or behaviour from bad to good.
"It is this kind of hijrah that must be carried out by each Muslim," it added.
Titah by His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah Sultan dan Yang Dipertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam, Parliament House, Canberra, 15 February 2005.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Russia 2018 and Qatar 2022 (FIFA.com).

The FIFA Executive Committee has chosen Russia to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup™, while the 2022 FIFA World Cup™ was awarded to Qatar.
FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter announced the result of the FIFA Executive Committee's vote on Thursday 2 December 2010 in Zurich’s Messe.
The contenders for the 2018 FIFA World Cup™, other than Russia, were England, a joint bid fromBelgium and the Netherlands, and a joint bid from Spain and Portugal.
Meanwhile, for the 2022 FIFA World Cup™, Australia, Japan, Korea Republic and the USA were competing with Qatar.
Here are the full results of the voting rounds:
22 members of the FIFA Executive Committee were entitled to vote. 12 votes were needed for an absolute majority and therefore to obtain the right to host the FIFA World Cup.
2018 FIFA World Cup™
Round 1: England 2 votes, Netherlands/Belgium 4 votes, Spain/Portugal 7 votes and Russia 9 votes (as no absolute majority was reached, the candidate with least amount of votes, England, was eliminated)
Round 2: Netherlands/Belgium 2 votes, Spain/Portugal 7 votes and Russia 13 votes (Russia obtained an absolute majority)
2022 FIFA World Cup™
Round 1: Australia 1 vote, Japan 3 votes, Korea Republic 4 votes, Qatar 11 votes, USA 3 votes (Australia eliminated)
Round 2: Japan 2 votes, Korea Republic 5 votes, Qatar 10 votes and USA 5 votes (Japan eliminated)
Round 3: Korea Republic 5 votes, Qatar 11 votes, USA 6 votes (Korea Republic eliminated)
Round 4: Qatar 14 votes and USA 8 votes (Qatar obtained an absolute majority).
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I need to see the specialists.
Semester Break!
Assalamualaikum, good day everyone! Of late I've been busy juggling between work and study whilst also supervising them kids e-learning ...

Salam, good day. 1st November 2010 marks my 10th year with Radio Televisyen Brunei. Over a decade, I have learnt a lot of things in this cha...
Salam, good day. It has been a long time not here, the last time I updated my blog was during my trip to Yangon, Myanmar. Actually, I sh...